
March 2024

For the moment, I am busy doing a lot of data science and engineering tasks. As a result, work on the front end has not been prioritized. However, the prediction models have been used in several applications, and we are consolidating that code for server operations.

Current projects#

These projects are initiated by hammerdirt.


A review of the ecosystem services provided by a local state managed forest in Switzerland

The litter assisstant

An application for predicting litter density at a location given the topographical attributes.


Collaborations (active)#

Data-scientist, freelance to June 2024


L’Association pour la Sauvegarde du Léman est une association franco-suisse, de référence scientifique, apolitique, à but non lucratif et reconnue d’utilité publique. Elle rcompte actuellement quelque 4’000 membres et bénévoles. Son bureau principal est situé à Genève.

Data-scientist, freelance yearly activity

The solid waste team

Annual activity with students from the EPFL. Bayesian grid approximation of expected values year over year. Manuscript submitted for peer review.


The following repositories are currently being refactored. They represent an accurate depiction of the evolution of the hammerdirt project, specifically tracing the origins of the beach-litter predictor.


Analysis and data of beach-litter-surveys in Switzerland 2015-2021. Notebooks and maps for documenting and producing basic analysis of survey results.

Near of Far

Using topographic attributes to identify zones of accumulation. Based on count data using EU protocol. Submitted for peer review.

Finding one object

Using Bayes’ theorem to determine the probability of finding an object on the beach. An analysis over six years and hundreds of surveys.

The Jazz effect

The record of water quality monitoring in the Baye de Montreux by Hackuarium. Original manuscript was published.