March 2024
For the moment, I am busy doing a lot of data science and engineering tasks. As a result, work on the front end has not been prioritized. However, the prediction models have been used in several applications, and we are consolidating that code for server operations.
Current projects#
These projects are initiated by hammerdirt.
Collaborations (active)#
Data-scientist, freelance to June 2024
L’Association pour la Sauvegarde du Léman est une association franco-suisse, de référence scientifique, apolitique, à but non lucratif et reconnue d’utilité publique. Elle rcompte actuellement quelque 4’000 membres et bénévoles. Son bureau principal est situé à Genève.
The following repositories are currently being refactored. They represent an accurate depiction of the evolution of the hammerdirt project, specifically tracing the origins of the beach-litter predictor.